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Welcome to the DSA National Tech Committee!ΒΆ

This page is to help onboard you and get you acclimated.

This handbook is a living document. It’s likely that some processes will seem foggy, unresponsive or just poorly-documented. Other documentation will fall out of date. When you see something like this, please follow the steps in the How to Contribute article to help us improve.

Links marked with πŸ” are on the DSA Discussion Forum, which is members only. If you don't have access, visit this link to sign up.

Steering CommitteeΒΆ

The current SC members can be found in the article on the NTC's organizational structure πŸ”.

To contact the NTC Steering Committee, message us on the Discussion Forum or email us at


Formation ServicesΒΆ

Committee Chair: Ty S

Member ServicesΒΆ

Committee Chair: Jen M


Committee Chair: Christina W



You can help improve this handbook. Follow our Contribution Guide.